Sunday, 29 June 2008


Sometimes it amazes me just how many accessories were made for the Volkswagen during the 50ies and 60ies.
Take for instance the pedals, there shouldn't be much to change there?
But if you own a car old enough to have the roller speeder pedal then you can ad a "cruiser" pedal, I have heard different stories about why they mounted them, one goes that women in high heals couldn't drive with the roller, another say that it was easier on the long runs.
Another accessory not so well known as the cruiser pedal, is a little pedal for your dimmer switch for your high beam light.
I really don´t know much about this and for me it seems equally easy to flip the lights if it´s there or not, but off course I have both in the oval even though none of them are necessary for driving the car, but that is what accessories are all about isn't?

Kaco light

Here the Kaco light is shown in a vw accessory brochure from 1959.

This little light called Kaco isn't only an old accessory you can put on your car for shows, it could also come in very handy if you should have a break down at night.
I have a few of these for sale, drop me a email if interested.

Saturday, 28 June 2008

Swap meet

This saturday morning at 5am, Jens and I started out from my house in his oval to check out a swapmeet none of us ever had attended before.
It was a little swapmeet but it was free to get in, only the sellers had to pay a symbolic fee. It was very cool as many both sellers and visitors were driving in their vintage cars or motorcycles. We didn't make any heart stopping scores, but there were several small parts on the backseat with us home anyway.

Wednesday, 25 June 2008

Tuesday, 24 June 2008

Saving old metal

Last year I got hold of some old original mid 50ies fenders, I have for a long time wanted a set of these, so they could get on the car some time in the future.
They weren't exactly NOS items, but they looked restorable.
A couple of weeks ago I finally started on them, first I had to scrape enough sealing wax of the underside of the front fenders to make tarmac enough for 1km highway :-) When that was done I started welding and the right side fender is now finished and the left is on it´s way.
Anybody know of a good rear right side pre 1960 fender?
Or maybe only the front part of one? I need that to have a complete set.
Here is some pictures of the left front fender, more will follow as I make some progress.

Monday, 23 June 2008

Kübel cruising

A couple of years ago the owner of the 48 rollback I posted a couple a weeks ago, took me and my friend Christian on some serious off roading in his 43 kübel.
That was one hell of a day.

Saturday, 21 June 2008

Trailer Queen

I am not big fan of people trailering their cars to shows, afterall it´s a car and is ment to be driven! But if this pulled up at I show I would buy the guy a beer :-)

Thursday, 19 June 2008

Wednesday, 18 June 2008


Once again my hard working postman brought me a package (I am pretty sure he is tired of bringing me all those heavy packages) This time he had my "Okrasa style" cam with him which I bought from Mr. Okrasa aka Joe Ruiz a week ago.
I am really looking forward to getting it in the Express engine to see how it will perform.
And there are even more performance goodies on their way over the pond.

Monday, 16 June 2008

End of an era

Last picture of the Judson in the car

Yesterday I made a hard decision, to part with my Judson.
I have had it for 5 years, run it on the car for 4, and driven about 35.000km with it.
The reason? well as mentioned I have had it on the car for several years and I got a good offer meaning I could buy the last parts for the Express setup.
And you can´t keep everything can you?
And maybe some day I will buy myself another Judson..
Almost all Judson parts are now off the engine, and I will properly be ready to fire it up in stock trim tomorow. It´s going to be strange not hearing that rattle sound from the back anymore, but what the heck next year there will be 2 28mm Solex´s roaring instead :-)

Sunday, 15 June 2008

Vintage meeting

Yesterday I joined a meeting with all kinds of vintage cars, once again nice to see other cars, talk to people, and find some inspiration.
And the oval even took a 3 prize home between all these nice cars.
I took some pictures of the cars that I found interesting, that brown 356 was crying to be parked in my driveway.

Thursday, 12 June 2008

Bluehat accessory

I must admit I have never been a big fan of the so called "eyebrows" for our old volkswagens, that being said, I must also admit that I last year bought a pair.
These are old and made by a company called Frese, they are made to fit on VW and DKW, and they have a much better fit and look than the thaiwan ones you buy today! But I really can´t decide if they suit the car or not, i have had them on and off the car a couple of times, and this will properly continue for some time :-)
Here in Denmark people are saying that these are only for old men sitting up in the windshild while driving in 3 gear all day, that´s why this might be the ultimate bluehat accessory.

Tuesday, 10 June 2008

Mad man

Tonight my friend Thomas came by in his 61 cab, we had a couple of small projects planned for the cab. One of them was mounting a Robri shoe scraber on the right runningboard, we put the left on last year, but Thomas likes to think things over before actually doing them, but now he had settled his mind and was sure that the Robri should on the car.
As you can see on the picture I really enjoy drilling in other peoples car much more than in my own :-)

10000 Hits

Wow when I started this blog not so many months ago, I surely didn´t think it would get this much attention, afterall this was just yet another vw inspirated blog between many. So having 10000 hits in about 3 months time is really a surprise! Please keep stopping by and maybe drop a comment once in a while.
To celebrate this, you this time get a 6volt babe but this time in color.

Sunday, 8 June 2008

VW veteran club meeting

Stock 30ps 54 oval, Judson supercharged 45ps 54 oval and Okrasa equípped 43ps 56 oval meeting eachother for the first time.

This past week end me, my girlfriend and my friend Jens attended the annual meeting in the danish vw vintage club.
It was a really nice meeting with lots of nice cars and people!
And even some nice swap finds, how about 4 NOS fender bolt mounting kits, NOS gasolin measuring stick correct for split and early ovals, correct oval interior light and a Speedwell steringwheel bought on behalf of my friend Christian.
And the oval even got a 3. prize in the peoples choise contest.
To finish this top end week end of, I returned to my house to find my daily driver had been key´ed on the hole right side while being parked in the street in front of the house, properly by some low life punk!
Even though this was a downside, I really had a blast and here is some pictures to prove it.

Friday, 6 June 2008

Vintage cruising

A new tradition have started here in denmark, each year this day people take their vintage cars, motorcycles etc, and meet up on different locations in the country, to see each others machineri and to go for a cruise in the local countryside.
This year I participated for the first time, and I had talked 3 other vw owners into it also. I didn´t get that many pictures, but here is a few.

Monday, 2 June 2008

48 rollback

Today after work I drove by my old man on the way from work, he and his wife had invited me for dinner. While we were eating we heard that a car came up the driveway, we went out to see who it was. To both me and my fathers surprise it was a guy named Peter (what a nice name :-) ) who my father have been working with in the 60ies, when they were both mechanics at a vw dealership in my hometown. He was out driving his 1948 rollback, when he spotted my car in the driveway, and decided to drop by.
Peter have never let go of the volkswagens, he even had his own company specialized in volkswagen, I have bought parts from him in the past, but now he is retired, that doesn´t stop him from wrenching on volkswagens though. He owns a 1941 schwimmer, a 1943 kûbel and this 1948 rollback he just has finished. I must admit this is one super cool car! Only problem my car looks lowered compared to the 48, i´m not used to that :-)
Stay tuned for more stories and pictures of some of his nice cars!

Sunday, 1 June 2008

Sunday cruising

Today I went cruising in the danish summer, and the road went by a local run for vintage cars of all types. There were a few vw´s among them, but it was also nice to see some other old and cool cars.
Here is a couple of pictures.