Monday 14 April 2008

The heat is on!

Last year I found these very special and NOS heaterboxes.
I only had a left one of these for several years, but having found this set the single had to go.
I really don´t know what to do beside to look at them and thinking that they are cool!
Because who would dare to cut up your nice and rot free 30hp heaterboxes, and then take a NOS of these Steely Rapid heaterboxes and put them together for finding out if these really work, and infact are giving more heat, when you only drive your car at the summertime.
I would like to know if there are anybody out there that have tried how they work?!


Anonymous said...

Jeg har kørt med dem i adskellige år på min 1953 bus, dengang jeg havde den.
De virker fantastisk, eneste problem, er at fortykningen på afgangsrøret ligger meget tæt op ad yder kappen på varmekassen, så der opstår meget let rust i området. Man skal derfor være opmærksom på at kappen ikke berører afgangsrøret.


Peter Plade Nielsen said...

Hej Tonny tak for kommentaren så så ved jeg da lidt om dem, og hyggeligt du kigger med herinde, men du er jo også en blåhat som jeg :-)